I love eating strawberries and as well as applying them to my face! They are full of vitamin C - a crucial component in collagen production. Let's make a mask, which also contains salicylic acid, which zaps dead skin cells. MATERIALS 2 TABLE SPOONS UNCOOKED WHITE RICE 2 STRAWBERRIES 2... read more →
Clay masks are great detoxifies. They also minimize the pores, remove dead skin cells, control oil. Let's make FRENCH GREEN CLAY MASK today! MATERIALS: 2 OUNCES OF FRENCH GREEN CLAY 1 TEASPOON SEAKELP POWDER (CLEARS THE BLEMISHES) 1 TEAPOON SPIRULINA POWDER (FIGHTS FREE RADICALS AND FINE LINES) 2 TABLESPOON COCONUT... read more →
Super Easy 3 Power Ingredients Rich Mocha Mud Mask 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tablespoon bentonite 1 teaspoon finely ground coffee Water Watch the video: https://youtu.be/xv95Pd56MR0 ingredients: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GSF2OK4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZX0IE0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It is hot and humid in Florida in August, so today we are making Cucumber Peppermint Face Mist. Cooling, uplifting and rejuvenating. Check the video I made about this cool product: https://youtu.be/4TW5DueqMgE Here is the recipe: FOR ALL SKIN TYPES Materials: 1 cup (240 ml) distilled water 4 peppermint tea bags... read more →
Our biggest problem is not how others judge us, but how we judge others. It’s not wrong to lovingly help others improve. It’s wrong to self-righteously point out a difficiency in others when we ignore our own misdeeds. Caution: judge at your own risk. Make a serious pause and examine... read more →
For some reason toners are not that popular any more and almost replaced by the mists but I would recommend not to forget them and to include a good toner into your morning/night beauty routine. Toners remove invisible dirt and oil, dead skin. They are irreplaceable if you wear lots... read more →
Clean skin = good looks. You must always remove makeup 💄 even if you are tired. 😴 For those who are not convinced think about bacteria, dirt, oil, makeup and sweat 💦 you take with you to bed. 🤔 Here are some advice: keep in mind that it is important... read more →
No matter how long you are looking for love never stop hoping. I encourage today those who are lonely 😔 believe that you meet your love soon. If you are in relationship and something goes wrong have faith that tomorrow will be better. 👍 It's never too late to start... read more →
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. Danny Kaye
Read descriptions below to identify your skin type: Normal: does not cause discomfort, smooth, small pores, cheeks are the driest area, larger pores on the nose, forehead, and chin, balanced water and oil. Advice: use foaming cleanser; exfoliation twice a week. Apply moisturizers and lightweight lotion. Use sunscreen to keep... read more →
Knowing skin structure will help you to understand the function of the beauty products and determine if a product is right for you. So, three layers you must be aware of: Epidermis (on the top). New cells are created in the lower level and move towards the surface where they... read more →
Germans drink a glass of wine almost every night around dinner time. It claims to make the blood thiner, which results in: Boosts antioxidants May limit atherosclerosis Increases 'good' cholesterol Decreases risk of heart disease Lessens risk of heart attack May reduce risk of stroke Lessens likelihood of gallstones Decreases... read more →