Love is a complex notion. Let us ask ourselves several questions before falling head over heels in love and begin serious relationship, which lead to marriage: Am I mature, devoted,... read more →
Emotions should be present but can not serve as a foundation for a strong relationship. It is silly to loose sleep, an appetite, be rude to the others just because... read more →
It is easy to be a good person when everything is good. Being with a person in hard times can show a true character. How does he behave when he... read more →
Life is an adventurous and challenging journey, and only the most faithful friends should join you in it. Do not date or marry someone out of PITY. A potential candidate... read more →
We are complex and wonderfully designed. Our soul, mind, body must be studied by ourselves. Until we understand what our main principles, values, beliefs are, a chance we find the... read more →
“Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for... read more →
The way you look is important is important. Ukrainians care about what they wear. It does not mean they will expect to see you in Calvin Klein but you should... read more →
Nick and I decided not to have sex before marriage. There are couple of reason for it. First, sex should take place only between a wife and a husband. How... read more →
I know it sounds crazy but Nick proposed me in 8 hours after the moment we met. Literary 8 hr. And I agreed. There are no rules in regards to when to... read more →
Conflicts happen in every family but there is a solution to any problem. Let us say a girl from Ukraine arrived to be with you in the USA and there... read more →
A tender serving authority found in a man and gentle submission in a woman is a path to understanding who you really are. It is similar to putting a broken... read more →
Marriage is work. It is similar to grinding and molding a precious gem. It is a painful process. Painful to see flaws, faults, imperfections in your spouse. It is more... read more →