I know it sounds crazy but Nick proposed me in 8 hours after the moment we met. Literary 8 hr. And I agreed. There are no rules in regards to when to propose. You will know when the time is right. The keyword in the above mentioned statement is “right”. What does seem right to you? A girl in a bar who tells about how much she loves you just because you get her another drink? Is it right to consider to have a serious relationship with someone who did not end previous one? Is it right to propose out of pity, lack of sex, fear? Both a heart and head play an important role. If you see there is something missing, let’s say, believes are different, lack of maturity, she wants superficial things, he wants sex, there is not enough clarity do not propose.
So, how did Nick know that everything is in place so fast? He says he had an inside information. What does it mean? God told him I might be the right one. What about me? How come I agreed so fast? First of all, his reputation preceded his proposal, I knew he was a respected, well known man in his community, his city. There was trust. Second, during the eight hours of our conversation found out that we have the same principles, believes. Therefore Nick became my soulmate. He was made sense, was easy to understand, to relate to. Third, he showed a lot of interest in me. Constantly asked questions about who I am, my past, my future plans. Fourth, he exposed full information about him available without hiding nothing from me. Every question I asked was answered honestly. Trust grew. Fifth, he cared a lot about me. Prior my arrival many arrangements were made by him. I saw a good man in him. He shared his future plans and supported his words with actions. It showed me he was serious. He knew who he was, what he wanted. He respected me. We could relate by every conversation we had, either it was Ukraine, cultures, history, spiritual things. I learned he was mature, kind, a leader, willing to sacrifice. He introduced me to his parents and family on the second day. He took financial responsibility helping me to do medical exams, repair teeth, he made my adjustments at a new place a smooth operation. Every minute in Boulder close to him was a great pleasure for me. We always stayed together. Ans lastly, Nick never let me go 🙂 I loved him at once. God made it happen, He arranged our meeting.
There is also another extreme when a man waits and waits and never makes that final move. A year is an average limit one should decide if it is his cup of tea or not.
Engagement is serious step. Take your time if needed and think. Discuss it with a woman. Ask each other questions about lifestyle, believes, finance, about everything you think helps to sum it up by making a proposal or leave it. Be honest. Tell a woman at once if you have no intensions to continue a love story. Time is precious for both of you. if after engagement you observe abnormal behavior such as change in your partner’s attitude, aggression, disrespect, do not be afraid to stop relationship. Marriage does not guarantee all will change for better.