Women usually chase men when moved by the wrong reasons: feeling of loneliness, desperation, lack of self respect, lack of confidence, money, status, body, etc. If a girl desperately wants marriage or dating d initiative is shown in taking what you give on the plate he is not interested in making you happy building a dream life together. A man is a leader in relationship. He is responsible for a woman. His is a head of a family. Even if your motives seem to be right, do not hunt a man. If he does not want you but takes what you offer, it does not change the way of things – he still DOES NOT WANT YOU. Put your dreams about happy, integral marriage away. It will not happen. I met women who invited men to their houses, provided food for them and later their super heroes cheated on them with the others at a woman’s place. Relationship is work. Both should put some effort in it but initiative always comes from a man.