My skin lets me know every time I am under stress: my muscles are tense, dehydrated, skin is dull, pimples start appear. Stress is our incapability of managing our emotions. Advice 1: Think of a difficult situation as of 5 years old from now. Is it getting less important? I am telling you: there is nothing worse than damaging our and other people health and nothing is worth doing it. Not a single reason to become furious, angry, upset. Yes, unjust things happen from time to time but things are balanced in this world: a person who harms you will be punished sooner or later. It is not your competence to judge or punish anyone. So, let it be.
A real master is the one who can manage himself staying calm, positive and confident. Advise 2: Stay on a brighter side. How is it done? Be simple and humble and all will be ok. People are attracted to simplicity, laughs, kind things. Think like this: I was born naked, I will not take a penny with me when I die.
Advice 3: Take care of yourself. It includes your body, mind, soul and spirit. We are given plenty of things to enjoy. Indulge in them. Take your time. Slow down if necessary. Eat well. Treat people well. And good sleep is guaranteed.
Stress is always accompanied by fears, jealousy, denial. Those issues have to deal in its term lack of character. Advice 4: Build your character. As I wrote in one of my previous posts Character is the King. Work on it constantly. It will not be easier but it will be better. It will pay you off tremendously. Example: you can’t give your friend a candy cause of the greed. It is absence of character. So, next time when you are ready give him a box of chocolates and smile. Don’t possess anyone or anything, it causes rivalry, jealousy, selfishness. Even if you have an apartment or a car act as if you do not have them. Be ready to share it with others when needed.
And my last Advice 5: Do what you. The most important word is DO and it is a verb meaning that it equals to action. Take care of someone you love, be an example for someone while swimming, inspire someone who is searching for a way, encourage those who are weaker than you. Give more than you receive and then you will not be the one to blame for causing stress and you will find strength to be a master of yourself.